Awake Montgomery


From January 31-February 29, 2024 we will focus in on a month of prayer as we collectively pray and fast for a move of God in Montgomery.

What is Awake Montgomery?

Awaken is a city-wide movement of prayer and fasting on unifying the church to strategically pray for and bless the city, one person at a time. It is in partnership with the churches of the greater Houston area under the Houston Church Planting Network (HCPN)

Where is Awake Montgomery?

This month-long journey of prayer and fasting will take place wherever you are located day-in and day-out. This is not about a big event; rather it’s about mobilizing the church to pray for and bless our city in all of the places we live, work, play, and learn.

Who is Awake Montgomery for?

This is for any Jesus follower willing to identify people in their life that are far from God and earnestly pray for them, fasting as God leads, for 30 straight days: January 31-February 29, 2024.

What is fasting?

Christian fasting means privately and occasionally choosing to go without food for some special period of time in view of some specific spiritual purpose. (View more resources below.)

30 Days of Prayer and Fasting

January 31
— to —
February 29

How can I be involved

The only commitment is a commitment to pray and fast as the Lord leads you. We would for you to share the area/neighborhood where you are praying in the city of Montgomery. Please drop us an email: and we will update this site with locations that are being prayed over this month. Also ,share what church you attend. Then on Thursday, February 29th, we are asking everyone to go prayer walk their neighborhood. And we want to hear how God is responding to your prayers so share those with us in the email above and we will post them to our site as well!